Saturday, February 27, 2010

Madeline is 15 months old

LOOK OUT!!! Maddy's molars are coming through! We noticed her 1st molar on the bottom left side had arrived on Feb. 13th and the 2nd molar on the bottom right side is peeking through now too. In February, Madeline took her first swim in a pool. She absolutely loved it. As a matter of fact, she cried when we had to leave. She also had her first pudding pop. It was an adventure in messy eating. Matt took her on her first snowmobile ride too. She liked it for a while, but then wanted to play in the snow instead. She is now 30 3/4 inches tall and is 23 lbs of mean, lean toddler machine. She is using walking as a means of transportation exclusively now. We are still not actively potty training, but get her on the potty chair about 4 times per day. She is usually "productive" most days so we feel that we are moving in the right direction.

Maddy has started to notice accessories. She loves sunglasses, beads in necklaces & bracelets and being a true girl, loves shoes! We put different pairs of shoes on her feet and she prances around like she is a model. Her current ultimate fun activity is playing on our bed. She puts her behind in the air, tucks her chin to her chest and waits for someone to help her do a summersault. No fear!

Maddy is becoming a great little helper. She will give Sadie treats, help put away dishes by handing them to Debbie or Matt and even puts her bath toys in their bin during "clean up". Her real "favorites" are still Elmo & Barney, but nothing excites her more than seeing Daddy walk through the door at the end of the day. Still no "word" from Maddy, but she is trying to repeat them without success yet.

We hope Maddy doesn't dislike Corned Beef and Cabbage. She is Irish and that fare is standard on St Pat's Day in our home. We'll try our luck. ;-)

1st snowmobile ride on 2/20/10. Sledding fun

1st dip in a pool. First taste of frozen pudding pop. Yum!

Valentine's Day 2010 - If you double click on the first photo and look closely you can see my molar.

Maddy likes Sadie's bed.

TV trance. When Cookie Monster talks, Maddy listens.

She likes to "change" the settings on the dishwasher for us.

Helping feed Sadie. What should I write on first?

Daddy's shoes. The future is so bright...

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