Monday, February 1, 2010

Maddy is 14 months old

Happy New Year!!! January seemed to go by in the blink of an eye. Maddy seems to surprise us with new skills all the time. If you ask Maddy how big she is her arms will go up in the air as we say, "Soooo Big". Maddy has spent the past month building on existing skills. Her walking has improved. She even runs laps around the dining room table. She was very good at knocking down block towers in the past. We used to call her "Madzilla due to her expertise, but this month she has started to stack blocks. The Stacking Rings Toy has been a favorite at playtime, but this month instead of just removing the rings, she has begun putting the rings on the post. Maddy can now put shapes in her shape sorter with help. Also, if you ask Maddy how old she is, she will hold up one finger proudly with a big grin. If you enjoy a beverage at our house, Maddy will be sure to offer "Cheers" before you drink and clink glasses with you too. Her growth has stabilized so no changes in weight or height this month.
Maddy doesn't do that well with change. It takes her a while to "warm up" to new things. With that fact in mind, Santa brought Maddy a potty chair for Christmas. Since then she has been getting used to sitting on the potty. We are not actively potty training, just becoming familiar with the potty. By sheer luck, she has gone potty in the chair twice this month so hopefully we can build on the positive potty experiences in the future.
Madeline is slowly transitioning from making noises to real babbling. She is really trying to say something, but the words aren't quite there yet. She is very good at letting you know what she wants (And sometimes what she doesn't want), but her first word hasn't been said. We often wonder what will be that almighty first communication. Only time will tell.

We wish you all the things that bring you happiness this Valentine's Day.

Toothy grin. How big is Maddy? She's soooo big!

Closing my bedroom door is a great way to get attention.

Reading books and watching us play on the computer are a couple favorite activities.

Fashion statement. Hi Sadie!

1st experience with Rediwhip. Budding artist.

Maddy loves snuggling with her big bear.

A beach ball? Baby it's cold outside.

Madeline likes to eat apples right off the core.

XOXO's until next month.

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