Thursday, January 16, 2014

Maddy is 60 months old - Dec 2013

Oh my!  Five years of blog entries!
Another December and Christmas accomplished too.
Feet don't fail us now...
Here are some highlights of the "Most Wonderful Time of the Year":

On Dec. 5, 2013, Maddy endured her 5 year wellness appointment.  She loves to see the doctor, but knew the 3 shots for entrance into Kindergarten needed to happen at this appointment.  She made it through the shots like a trooper and is in good health.

On Dec. 14th we attended "Saturday with Santa" at Lake Park-Audubon Elementary School.  It is always a very festive event filled with crafts, snacks, performances by the local dance troop and, of course, a visit with Santa.  Maddy has been very lucky to have Santa as an uncle.  Thus, she has never been afraid of Santa.  Both Matt's brother, Byron and his wife, Edie take on the role of Santa and Mrs. Claus every year for this event.  They also play their respective roles at the Huseby family gathering on Christmas day for all the kids. We are beyond grateful for their contribution to the many memories that they provide our family & community.

On Dec. 15th Maddy attended a bowling birthday party for her friend, Mazie.  It was Maddy's first time bowling and she wants to go back to the bowling alley soon.  This is the same alley that Matt is on a Tuesday night men's league.  Maddy has watched Matt bowl several times so it was really exciting for her to be the bowler this time.

On Dec. 18th, Maddy's preschool class performed happily for a room chock-full of guests.  It is always amazing to see their readiness to perform at this age without much thought to being shy or nervous.  We were blessed to have both Grandmas join the fun that day.

On Dec. 21st, Maddy was invited to celebrate her friend, Kenleigh's 5th birthday at a local hotel's pool area.  They had a great time swimming in the pool, relaxing in the hot tub and zooming down the water slide.  Water, pizza and cake; who couldn't have fun?

We didn't do quite as much baking as last year in preparation for the holidays, but we did make Christmas cookies for Santa and decorated a gingerbread man.  On Christmas Eve, we had a ham supper with family and prepared for Santa's arrival.  We put out magical reindeer food, hanged the magical Santa key on our back door (no chimney), left cookies, milk & carrots for Santa & reindeer and then ended the evening by reading 'Twas the Night Before Christmas.   Christmas Eve is bittersweet for Maddy because she has to say goodbye to our scout elf, Ollie until next year.  We woke up Christmas morning, opened presents and headed to the Lake Park Community Center where the Huseby gathering takes place.  The community center is also the firehouse.  To add some excitement to Christmas, the firetrucks were called out so the kids watched in awe as the firemen raced out to an emergency.  This Christmas season, we were blessed with gifts, but more importantly were the visits and greetings from family & friends.  All the communications of cards, letters & photos are so appreciated. 

 We cherish the memories that 2013 provided to our family
and look forward to making many more in 2014.
Cheers to the upcoming year and may it bless your family!   

Maddy talking with Santa

Maddy and cousin Mira working on a project at the Saturday with Santa event.

Emjoying Mazie's birthday party at the bowling alley.

Maddy's ready to bowl.
Preschool holiday program
Maddy performing some holiday tunes.
Kenleigh & Maddy celebrating Kenleigh's 5th birthday.
Decorating our Gingerbread Man.
Isn't he handsome?

Gifts from Grandma Huseby on Christmas Eve.

Time to open gifts!

So happy that Santa came!

All dressed up for the Huseby gathering on Christmas day.

Opening gifts at Grandma Escherich's house.
 See you next year!

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