Friday, July 31, 2009

Maddy is 8 months old

Another month has come and gone already. Maddy now weighs 21 lbs and is 28 inches long/tall. She is growing fast so her wardrobe is too. We want to say a special thank you to those people who have given her clothes & other items. She really is growing quite rapidly and we truly appreciate the help. We are also shopping for a different car seat. She will be too large for the current model very soon. There are a few "mentionables" this month. The first being the switch from the infant bath tub to the "big tub". Maddy is sitting up so well that the smaller tub is no longer necessary. She has always enjoyed her bath, but extra room has given her a new freedom and even more splashing power. The second note, she is "scooting" backwards. She isn't crawling yet, but rolls constantly from belly to back. The third highlight is her expanding menu. She is now munching on pizza crusts, mashed bananas, french fries, bread sticks, toast, yogurt drops, cheese puffs, small pieces of meat, Cheerios, cereal puffs, small pieces of fruit and anything else that she can gum to death. Her 2 teeth help a bit, but her gums and tongue are working overtime when they get the chance. She sometimes uses the "pincher grasp" to get small bits of food to her mouth so that's a milestone achieved. We are trying to switch to the sippy cup. Depending on Maddy's mood, we are sometimes successful, but she definitely prefers the bottle. We hope - "Each one is enjoying the good old summertime".

My first boat ride. I liked the bubbles!

Playing in my room. Who put this hat on me?

In the campground store. Peek-a-boo, I see you!

I stole the recliner from Daddy. I like to pull the grass.

I'm gaining on the bear - just a couple more months...

I love riding on the rocking horse that Jerry & Donna gave me!

I "look up" to my dad. Happy 4th of July![

I switched to the big tub on 7/5/2009.

Where's Maddy? Here I am!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Madeline is 7 months old

Maddy is now 27 inches long and weighs 17 pounds. She really worked hard at getting her 2 bottom, middle teeth in this month.

June started off by taking a trip to see Uncle John, Aunt Renee, & Cousin BlakeLynn in Bottineau, North Dakota. Daddy had to work, but Mom and Maddy tried to have fun without him. Renee's mom, Ruth, was kind enough to let Maddy have her first pony ride. She loved the pony's mane the most. Maddy also enjoyed all the other sights & sounds of the farm like the chickens, ducks, kittens, & puppies. Cousin BlakeLynn was so good at taking care of Maddy. They are good buddies. Maddy is an "international traveler" now because we went to the Peace Gardens which are partially in Canada. Another "hot spot" that John, Renee, & BlakeLynn showed us is a monument called Mystic Horizons. It is basically a mini Stonehenge on the West side of the Turtle Mountains in Lake Metigoshe Park. Very cool!

Maddy received her 2nd round of shots in the second week of June. She didn't have any reactions to them. She also had her 6 month photos. Sorry we can't share them on the blog, but they are copyrighted. During the 3rd week of June, Mom was really brave and got Maddy's ears pierced. The earrings look like a flower with "white petals" on the outside and a blue stone for the middle. Her ears are healing well with no sign of infection. Mom and Dad obsess over cleaning them 3 times a day. Madeline's footprints are preserved in cement at Grandma & Grandpa Escherich's home. They had a garden patch filled with concrete so Maddy stepped in it to leave her mark.

Overall, Maddy's personality is really beginning to bloom. She is saying "da da da" AND "ma ma ma" now. Even though its just repeated consonants, it's neat to hear. She sits well on her own and is eating simple finger foods like cheese doodles, cereal puffs & yogurt drops (all baby foods from Gerber). She also starting "dancing" while seated to music. She moves back & forth at her waist to the beat. We giggle every time it happens. We hope everyone has a safe & happy 4th of July!

I can barely fit in my swing now, but I still enjoy it.

I sit by myself, but Mom is a worry wort and still likes a pillow close by.

Ready for the party

Maddy with Uncle Dewey, Aunt Carmen, Daddy & Mommy.

IT Maddy with Daddy

The day after I got my ears pierced...still smiling.

I LOVE watermelon!

Visit to Uncle John, Aunt Renee, & Cousin BlakeLynn in Bottineau, ND. Peanut (dog) likes the stroller too.

Cousin BlakeLynn & Maddy being couch potatoes. Maddy hears her own echo in the Peace Chapel at the Peace Gardens.

BlakeLynn & Debbie at Mystic Horizons. Aunt Renee & Maddy

US & Candian border. Maddy's first pony ride.