Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Maddy is 16 months old

Maddy's last molar on the upper right section of her mouth came through on 3/27/2010. Her canines are also looking ready to make an appearance. She is doing really well through this teething process, but needs a little Tylenol now and then. She is still 30 3/4 inches tall, but gained a pound bringing her to 24 lbs total. She is a very good "eater" and will try new things which is wonderful. On St Patrick's Day, she ate corned beef, potatoes & green beans (emphasis on the corned beef). In March, she took her 1st 4 wheeler ride and has wanted more ever since. She is outgrowing her "baby toys" so we have been trying to update her inventory. She has become interested in scribbling. She has an Aqua Doodle, Magna Doodle & crayons to get creative with her artwork. Matt won father of the year by putting together a new kitchenette that Debbie purchased. It came in a very small box with 200+ pieces. "Some assembly required" was an understatement. Maddy spends a lot of time playing with it so that is reward enough. We also decorated a washing machine box, cut windows and a door into it and call it Maddy's playhouse. Who needs fancy things when boxes are sooo much fun? The best and newest toy is springtime outside. During a recent walk, Maddy was amazed by 2 geese on the ice. She was even more astounded when they started to make noise and fly. The new outside world is so unknown. We love watching her explore it!

St Patrick's Day

Pjs are the best.

Playhouse & scrunchy face

Kitchen - Aqua Doodle

Bubble beard & stomach surfer

1st 4 wheeler ride
We hope you have an "eggcellent" Easter!