Saturday, October 31, 2009

Maddy is 11 months old

The Huseby family moved on 10/17/2009. We are now settling into our new abode. Maddy wasn't sleeping well in the new home, but later we learned that a couple restless nights were due to the arrival of another tooth. Her fourth tooth popped through on 10/20/2009. She has four bottom teeth now. We are hoping that she gets some top teeth soon so she can chew more productively. Maddy visited Dr Jon Larson this month again for her 9 month check-up. We were a little late for this appt because the Dr was busy with the start of school. Matt, Debbie & Maddy all received regular flu shots, but the H1N1 vaccine wasn't available yet. Her growth is holding steady. She weighs 20 lbs still, is 29 inches long & has a head circumference of 17 inches. She is crawling with purpose, but wants to walk so badly. She will let go of stationary objects while standing to balance without help and then grab onto something or drops to the floor. She looks like a surfer on a surf board! Of course, she "cruises" when she can while holding onto things too.

Maddy enjoyed her first Halloween immensely! We went pumpkin picking at Uncle Dewey & Auntie Carmen's place. She loved feeling, smelling and looking at all the pumpkins. We took pictures of Maddy in a pile of pumpkins. When we tried to pick her up, she cried because she wanted to stay right in the middle of the pumpkins. We had a freak winter storm the day before Halloween which dumped a bunch of wet snow on us. However, on Halloween it was sunny and the temperature was high enough to melt a lot of the snow that had fallen the day before. Matt was the official pumpkin carver this year. Maddy couldn't keep her hands off the pumpkin guts and was fascinated by the lit jack-o-lanterns. Madeline was a ladybug for Halloween. She was a cute little bug. You could tell she was excited to be dressed up. All the attention we gave her may have prompted that too. She did a little trick or treating and then had jack-o-lantern shaped pizza for supper. We are currently decorating Maddy's room in the new house. We'll have before and after pictures for everyone to view next month. We hope your Halloween was "spooktacular" and look forward to the upcoming holiday season.

Magnets mesmerize! Pizza crust is alway a great lunch.

Ready for fall. Laying down on the packing job.

Maddy the admin. You want it when? Ya right!!!

Maddy the executive. She still loves her baths.

Winter storm the day before Halloween. Sadie is 14 yrs old.

Styling for Halloween. Pumpkin pickin'

Loved the pumpkins!

Maddy was given a lot of pumpkins by Uncle Dewey & Auntie Carmen.

Squishy! Carving pumpkins.

In the light... In the dark - BOO!

A happy & a scary pumpkin adorned our home this Halloween.

Halloween attire required. Trick or Treat!?!

She is so excited to be a ladybug for Halloween.

We hope you enjoyed Halloween as much as we did.