Saturday, February 28, 2009

Madeline Eva - 3 months

Maddy is now 3 months old. Debbie is back to work and Maddy will be spending the days in March with Grandma & Grandpa Escherich. Maddy is still growing like a weed. She is now 12 pounds, 12 ounces and is 24.25 inches long. She (and Mom & Dad) survived her first round of shots too. Her hands are keeping her attention these days. Another captivating toy is the new Tigger that Grandpa bought her. The best new-found toy is her tongue. She sucks on her own tongue using it like a pacifier. We don't know exactly how she is doing it, but it's so funny watching her. We hope you enjoy this batch of photos!
I like my swing a lot.
I'm learning how to play peek-a-boo!
Happy Valentine's Day!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Madeline is 2 Months Old!

Our little girl is growing up. She now weighs 11 pounds and is 22 inches long. She has started talking/cooing much more and can hold her head up pretty well for a short time. She will be celebrating her 2 months by taking a baby massage class. Take a look below to see some of her finest moments up to this point. The many moods of Madeline: